Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chapter 1 Reflection

Chapter one talks about theoretical foundations. It basically introduces the book and talks about the different technologies that can be used in the classroom. In this chapter it examines how an individual learns and how teachers can understand how to teach certain students. The one thing I enjoyed about this chapter is it talked about how there internal and external factors that intervene with students learning. There could be problems at home that affect a students test score and things like that. With educational technology, it has improved over the years. We have technologies available to us now that is better suited for teaching children and to help them understand. This chapter was very standard and easy to follow along with. Some chapters may be challenging to understand but this one was straightforward.

I did enjoy making the all about me power point. I enjoy making power points because the tools are easy to understand and use. I also liked how it was all about me because it made it more enjoyable to do. This was a great project to have that went along with this chapter.

Chapter 2 Reflection

Chapter two talks about the designing and planning technology- enhanced instruction. In this chapter it provided information on different ways in which effective teacher’s design and plan instruction enhanced and supported by technology. Chapter one talked about teachers and the learning process and in chapter two it talks about how to apply what you have learned to make an effective lesson plan. One thing I liked that this chapter acknowledged was that classroom setting has a lot to do with effective teaching. In order for students to learn to the best of their ability, factors such as classroom settings, temperature, noises in classroom, and other internal and external factors must be accounted for.

I did think this chapter was important because it talked about applying what was learned in chapter one. I think that is great because by just explaining the different technologies and not showing how it could be applied in a classroom is useless.

Chapter 3 Reflection

Chapter three talks about computers in the learning environment. This chapter explains the different software and functions of the basic computer used in classrooms. It shows the proper way to save information on the computer and turn the computer off. These skills are very important in a classroom because most likely more then one person will be using that computer and if something is not saved properly then files could be lost. What I did like about this chapter is it showed the difference between the certain software’s and printers. There is a lot of information that goes along with using a computer and this chapter does a good job in helping first time users understand how to use a computer. Computers can be confusing but for school purposes only, I think this chapter was full of information and that everyone who is using a computer should read and understand.

Chapter 4 Reflection

Chapter four talks about the digital technologies in the classroom. Now days, there is a lot of new technologies used for teaching, digital is one. Digital cameras, power points, and scanners are all commonly used in teaching now. With hands on experiences I think it is important for the students to understand how to use these technologies and understand how and why the teachers use them. I think with these new digital technologies, it allows the teacher to communicate better and have the students react more frequently when learning. I enjoyed this chapter because it is becoming more common for these technologies to be involved with teaching and I think it is crucial for better learning experiences. I also liked how this chapter showed pictures of the certain products and showed how they were being used in the classroom. It is easier to visualize what one is talking about so that they better understand it.

Chapter 5 Reflection

In chapter five it talks about administrative software. There are many different types of software such as academic software, administrative software, database management software, productivity software, and classroom management software. It is very important to understand these different types of soft wares and what they are used for because being able to select and use the best software package is a skill every educator needs. In this chapter it compares the software and says what is important to know before choosing which one is right for you. Within these specific software, there are different ways to use common applications successfully. There is also something called word- processing software that is the most commonly used computer application. In this chapter, I learned just how important it is to research the different software out there to find what is best suited for my purpose. There are so many to choose from and I think it is important to learn a little about all of them just in case you use someone’s computer who has a different software then what you’re used too.

Chapter 6 Reflection

In chapter six it talks about Academic software. Academic software includes the wide variety of software packages that can be used to enrich the teaching and learning environment for both teachers and students. The teacher needs to be aware of the different types of Academic software available for them to select from. This chapter also talks about authoring systems and how to use them. They are used for instructional designs and presentations either small or large. Within the academic software, it talks about all the different components and software within it. The chapter talks about the do and don’ts when making presentations, newsletters, or even student handbooks. It is important the teacher does this right because if they mess up and the student catches it, they may mess up as well. I learned a lot in this chapter because I do a lot of power points and I realized some of the things I do, are not always good. This chapter is important for teachers to read and for student’s to understand.

Chapter 7 Reflection

In chapter seven it discussed The Internet and the World Wide Web. This chapter is one of the most important ones because technology and the internet is what everyone is familiar with now and it is important to understand just how powerful it can be. The internet is a global network of networks connecting hundreds of millions of users to each other and to worldwide resources. There is wireless internet and ones that connect to the computer and those are different ways to get internet connection. Connecting with people consist of emailing, instant messaging, blogging, chat rooms, facebook, and myspace. You can do just about anything on the internet and talk to anyone you want. This chapter goes over different tools and sites you can discover while browsing the internet. I like this chapter because I am always on the computer and searching new things on the web. I do not email that much so learning about that was new to me and interesting.

Chapter 8 Reflection

Chapter eight goes over using the web for teaching and learning. Mostly people use it to connect to other people and searching for information they could not find anywhere else. There are many educational articles and journals online available for teachers and students. Within these sites people tend to save there files as html or PDF files. Those files are the most common ones used when people are saving things from the internet.

This chapter also talks about blogs which are online spaces that support the postings of personal commentary on the web. Blogs provide primarily one-way communication, but with the inclusion of comments and links, blogs become a powerful interacting writing tool. There are different sites you can go to that allow blog posting and personal space for people. I personally enjoy blogging because it is my space to say what I want and comment on other people’s information.

Chapter 9 Reflection

In chapter nine it talks about Audiovisual Technologies. There are things offered now such as audiocassettes, talking book, multimedia kits, oral journals, broadcast audio, and oral histories. With these technologies available, it helps everyone learn and have a fair chance to experience what everyone else does. A new up and coming technology that is taking off is the digital audio media. This allows things such as compact discs, MP3 players, internet audio, WAV files, and internet radio to exist. This chapter was boring to me because I already had knowledge in all these technologies and how to use them. For someone who did not know about all these technologies or how to use them, may find this chapter very informational. After reading this chapter it made me wonder how people survived without all these things. It is so common for people to use them daily, that without it, I do not think people would know what to do.

Chapter 10 Reflection

Chapter ten goes over Distance Education: Using Technology to Redefine the Classroom. This chapter addresses all the important information about distance learning and how to make it effective. With distant education it is important to know all the technologies available since all the work is completed online. The neat thing about distant learning is you can be anywhere and still take the classroom. Usually online classes are more flexible and less time consuming then regular class room experiences. If you are not familiar with computers and software that goes with it, it may be difficult for someone to learn. This is my first online class and although I know how to use technologies it was difficult for me to navigate myself around the website. The chapter teaches how to prepare students and teachers for this type of learning along with the different technologies used.

Chapter 11 Reflection

In chapter eleven, it discusses issues in implementing technology in schools. Technology plan involves strategic planning which is very important when being used in schools. A big issue is copyright and fair use. It shows you what you are allowed to use and what is invading someone’s privacy. This is a huge problem in schools because a lot of times students do not know that they are plagiarizing and can get kicked out of school or even fined. With using computers and internet in classrooms it is important the student knows how to cite something so they do not get in trouble for stealing someone else’s work. It is also important to filter software because some of it can be spam and give your computer viruses. When you filter the software it will help get rid of the unwanted material from downloading from your computer. This chapter is very important because it is easy to lose all the information on your computer by one simple download.

Chapter 12 Reflection

In chapter twelve it talks about technology, teaching, and you. Since technology has taken over, why not use it for educational purposes? With technology it allows students and teachers to explore things they may not afford to go to them or find anywhere else. Online, you can find just about any informational Act or law out there if needed when researching. If teachers do not know the Teaching Standards, they can just look them up online or if they do not know the rights they have, that is also available. This chapter explores the educational technology literacy which is available for hands on learning. I really liked this chapter because I think it tied together all the other chapters in the book and really made me understand the purpose of technology and teaching. I learned a lot from this class and book and feel like it will help me tremendously in my future.